Another Reason to Get a Flu Shot

Not only does a flu shot help reduce the risk of developing a case of influenza, it may also help prevent another heart attack. In fact, according to a recent analysis of four studies, people who had suffered from recent heart attacks and who were randomly assigned to get flu shots experienced a 55 percent lower risk of experiencing another major heart event. Why? It may be that those who get the flu are at greater risk for heart problems. In any case, getting a flu shot seems to provide great benefit for anyone middle-aged or older, or at risk for a heart attack. This is an important consideration for those deciding whether or not to get a flu shot.

This informative column has been brought to you by Med-Fast Pharmacy. Influenza is a serious disease that can lead to hospitalization and sometimes even death. Every flu season is different, and influenza infection can affect people differently. We have 13 retail locations to serve you, where our pharmacists can offer a wealth of information, including recommendations on over-the-counter drugs. We offer personalized attention, along with helpful, professional service. We are more than a Pharmacy, We ‘re Family.

HINT: Inflammation linked with the flu can trigger plaques in arteries to rupture and cause blockage of vessels, which causes heart attacks.